Extra Credit.

My Favorites

Cory Arcangel 1978;Buffalo NY This video shows that Cory handmade hacked Super Mario Brothers cartridge and Nintendo NES video-game system. By altering the game's code, he removed the sound and all visual elements except the clouds. Cory's intensions were to master creative exploration; he often learned new programming language to develop new work.

Frederick Hammersley 1919; Salt Lake City, UT In 1968, Hammersley, began using the University of New Mexico's IBM mainframe computer to make images through an iterative process (repeated cycles of variations.) He mastered these creations by using the computer program ART I.This work demostrated the connecetions between natural and programming language by using the alphabet itself.

Charles Gaines 1944;Charleston, SC Walnut Tree Orchard; M1,M2,M3,1977 Three parts:pen and ink and graphite pencil on paper; and pen and ink and correction fluid on paper.

Ian Cheng 1984; Los Angeles, CA Baby feat. Ikaria, 2013 Live simulation,sound,artificial intelligence service;infinite duration Cheng's software enables an audible conversation between three online chatbots whosw voices animate a swirl of debris. This software contains three different customized chatbots from an online service so that they "talk" to each other. The debris repeatedly coalescing and then disintegrating and sometimes appearing as an active agent and often as an ambiguous hybrid. The floating debris can capture an artificial intelligence that is lifelike yet mechanistic, that reflects the mix of nonhuman and human conversations that increasingly permeates our live.

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